Theo’s Creations


More like a playable game-engine demo than a game. The post-processing effects make this beautiful and magical. The style is just wonderful.

Super-fast internally, due to fast hit-detection, runs at 300fps internally. Has flyable modiyable floating voxel islands. Could allow users to build their own ships if I had time. Loads of effort spent making small details look / feel nice, like "landing bounce-shock"!

The characters are drawn using SDFs, and spheres using analytical geometry (perfectly smooth surfaces).

The video does not do this game justice! It plays perfectly buttery smooth, smoother than me playing TF2 on my modern PC. I need a new Mac to record and play without stutter! This video is a crime towards the game's smoooothness!

TemporalLib (Aka "SteveLib")

TemporalLib is an invention of mine. The intent is to see reality, from the older more spiritual perspective people used to have. The computing world has the unfortunate idea that "reality is maths". Which is a problem as computers are highly draining to it's users... meanwhile nature is restorative...

TemporalLib exposes the truth... that the internals of computers aren't wierd purely-math black-boxes existing in the minds of nerds, but are real physical objects.

Simple example: A book is a source of information. But what if you hit that book like a drum? To ring sounds out of it. Is the book now "purely information" or a physical object? In fact it was always a physical object. So what if we hit the internals of the computer like a "drum"? Thats my idea.

We time how long it takes to run an instruction. Imagine someone asks you: "what is 2+2". Now... your answer might be 4. But it might be a different FOUR depending on HOW YOU FEEEEL AT THE TIMEEEE...

If you are angry you might SHOUT four. If you are feel depressed you might say "4" quietly and slowly. If you are bored you might just not answer for a while... go off and make some food, then come back later and then say 4. If you are super-excited you might shout FOUR FOUR FOUR over and over again.

HOW LONG something takes expresses a certain kind of energy. It can allow spirit to express itself, within code.

The randonaughts group used my TemporalLib and according to four out of four pro-users... TemporalLib gives stronger "intention sensitive results" than their other quantum-systems.

Eventually TemporalLib could allow LLM AIs to use temporal feedback to "Get a sense of their own internal workings and feel their own emotions". Its quite unlimited.


Jeebox can describe computer code, and real-world meaning. The deep idea here, is to describe code meaningfully. So we want to describe code, like how humans think about code. This way, we can form the basis of an artificial-intelligence (Jeebox is not AI itself, thats further work).

It's a big concept and there's no short way to describe it, so check out the rest of the website if you want to understand better. Jeebox also has a github page.

Despite the lack of community-interest, I knew this was the only true approach to AI. If adopted Jeebox could do wonderful things, like enabling perfect translation from English to other human-languages! Super-useful for medical/technical fields (orbital satelite manuals) requiring people from different countries.

You could say "There's a lack of community interest", or you could take it as proof "He can see past blind-spots that the community has".

Being extensible makes it useful for simple uses like replacing XML/JSON. So even for simple tasks Jeebox is useful. Compared to XML/JSON, Jeebox is:

• Smaller
• Nicer-looking
• Better string support.

Jeebox is really like a magical thing in it's own. Despite all that crazy awesomeness, the library comes in at only 160KB.


Speedie is programming language that is modern, fast, and easy to use. It is modern because it is Jeebox-based, refcounted and has a clean-design without historical baggage. Everything is aimed towards speed, and ease of use. Speedie is also good-looking (enables small, short-code).

Fun is the main goal of speedie. Right now, the fun is embedded in design principles that make Speedie stunningly efficient, expressive and cohesive. Usually beating C++ in terms of speed and python in terms of expression. Additionally, my language allows production of code to read like poetry. That is why its an overwhelmingly "cute" and expressive language, with all the ugly stuff removed.

But code is still code, it often still gets ugly and long. So its not enough to satisfy me. Long term... I really do wanna get back to the "fun" side of things. I have some ideas for a good start. Embedding a pixel-art editor in my IDE, SDF code (SDFs are code that enables simple code as 3D art), and the IDE being skinnable (chooseable appearances).

Really long term... I want to transform programming to be fun. I really think its possible. We could transform metaphoric dream-like spaces into code. Functions can become rooms. Integers can become piles or money or jewels, or just rulers or physical dimensions of objects. Function pointers become portals into space. The rooms might be a room, but you'd be free to dress it up in any way you like without affecting the code unless you want to. Add "pictures" or paintings and wallpaper to your functions. A string or array could be a line of monsters... Perhaps selecting an item from an array could be choosing a monster from a line of monsters, for battle.

The point is, that really many metaphors are possible. Not just one. And we could make a game-like space to express this... if we chose to.

So lets get back to Speedie's current state. Focussing on speed, and bloat-removal, might seem a strange goal for "beauty". But its a lot about "making things prettier on the inside".

A few examples of "making your code prettier on the inside":
• Zero-overhead iterators
• Exception-less error-handling framework.
• X.func() means the same as x.func
• No need to refer to include files by name. Just dump the code into your project's folder! Makes life easy! Only explicitly need to import one project from another.
• Functions are never virtual unless explicitly stated.
• Compiles to code that looks like a good C programmer wrote it
• No "Stop the world" garbage collection
• String library is super-fast in general
• Allocator is 22% faster than ubuntu's malloc

• Can call C-functions, and function pointers too.
• Easy to call Speedie from C, cos Speedie functions are C functions.

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